Kokusai Kogyo actively
contributes toward the realization of our Group Mission: "Save the Earth,
Make Communities Green." 2015 was a landmark year, where the United
Nations renewed three international frameworks that relate closely to our Mission
and our work. The concepts of disaster
risk reduction and resilience building in the Sendai Framework, adopted in
March, was mainstreamed into the Sustainable Development Goals, adopted in
September, as necessary foundations towards sustainable development. The Paris
Agreement at COP21 in December saw more than 190 countries agree to cooperate
towards reducing global warming.
Working with international organizations
Kokusai Kogyo has been active
in delivering private sector views and expertise into the international
dialogue, even joining, in the case of the Sendai Framework, discussions at its
formative stages. In return, we bring back a deeper understanding of global
issues and trends, which we apply to our business activities. Sandra Wu
Wen-Hsiu, our Chairperson and CEO, has taken a leading role in our work with
the international community, and especially the following three organizations:
UN Global Compact
The UN Global Compact is the
main UN the main United Nation initiative for engagement with the private sector
and business
UN Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNISDR)
UNISDR strongly promotes
disaster risk reduction and resilience through public private collaboration and
private sector engagement
World Economic Forum
The World Economic Forum is
committed to improving the state of the world and is an international
organization for public-private cooperation
Additionally, Kokusai Kogyo
assists developing countries implement these international frameworks through
our international development consulting operations.
Our Activities
With UN Global Compact (UNGC)
The Global Compact was
launched at UN Headquarters in New York on 26 July 2000, and aims to bring
about sustainable growth through the responsible, innovative leadership of
businesses and other organizations acting as good corporate citizens and
voluntarily committing to a universal set of principles.
Kokusai Kogyo joined the
Global Compact in 2013, and agreeing to meet fundamental responsibilities in
its Four Areas and to adhere to its Ten Principles, and reporting on progress
through our Creating Shared Value (CSV) report.
n 2015, Kokusai Kogyo became
signatory to the Caring for Climate initiative, which is jointly convened by
the UNGC, the secretariat of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP).
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